
Regis Laconi - Friday evening update

Saturday, 16 May 2009 07:27 GMT

Following his crash Regis Laconi was taken by helicopter to Sunninghill Hospital in Johannesburg. After undergoing checks later in the evening it was possible to have a better idea of the Frenchman's condition.

Laconi suffered two broken cervical vertebrae (C3 and C5), severe concussion and a contusion of the lung. A CT scan for eventual neurological damage, proved to be negative and for the moment he is in an induced coma and in a stable condition. After consultation with Dr. Maurizio Zorzi, the South African neuro-surgeon who was called from Pretoria to check on the patient's condition, it was decided not to operate immediately and to postpone any eventual intervention for a few days.

Barring complications, a further three weeks will be required before a clear clinical picture of the situation can be made, during which the French rider will have to remain totally immobile.